Tag: Iraqi Special Tribunal

What this murder demands

What this murder demands

The illegal summary execution of President Saddam Hussein has revealed definitively the character of Iraq’s occupation-imposed government

6 January 2007 More
The execution of the president

The execution of the president

The imminent execution of Iraq’s lawful president is testimony to the disrespect of international law by Bush and his criminal partners

29 December 2006 More
Fighting empire: An interview with Ramsey Clark

Fighting empire: An interview with Ramsey Clark

George W Bush is not a patriot, Ramsey Clark tells Ian Douglas

9 November 2006 More
Why Saddam is important

Why Saddam is important

The trial of Saddam Hussein is the lynchpin of the American bid for global hegemony and already America loses

15 December 2005 More
Who will have courage to stand up?

Who will have courage to stand up?

The disconnect between law, justice and truth in Iraq will reach its highest extreme in the show trial of Saddam Hussein

20 October 2005 More
Is it legal?

Is it legal?

After 10 years of scandalous sanctions, Western powers are now pushing for the execution of the man who knows all their secrets, Saddam Hussein

8 July 2004 More
We negate and we must negate because something in us wants to live and affirm — Friedrich Nietzsche