Dead: 19. Injured: 60. This is Israel
Israel’s killing of 19 innocents with 60 more injured must have maximal consequences. Israel impunity is a threat to all
Israel’s killing of 19 innocents with 60 more injured must have maximal consequences. Israel impunity is a threat to all
Maliki’s election platform:— 900 Iraqi prisoners face summary execution
The UN Security Council has failed to stop massive Israeli war crimes in Gaza; Israeli impunity must be ended by the world community
In one magnificent act, Muntadhar Al-Zaidi epitomized the truth of the defeat of the US in Iraq
The answer given to this question by Dr.Ian Douglas, a member of the BRussells Tribunal Committee, is an open and clear Yes
Plans for Al-Adhamiyah confirm that the US occupation and its puppets in Iraq can build nothing but open-air prisons
In Baghdad, a stillborn regional conference will convene in which the Iraqi people will again be absent
The illegal summary execution of President Saddam Hussein has revealed definitively the character of Iraq’s occupation-imposed government
The imminent execution of Iraq’s lawful president is testimony to the disrespect of international law by Bush and his criminal partners
The Green Zone government and its militias are attacking civilians and cities across Iraq to halt the resistance
The national popular resistance in Iraq is the sole legal and legitimate representative of the Iraqi people and the Republic of Iraq
The veto system in the UN Security Council is bankrupt — the Council is complicit with war crimes in failing again to maintain peace and security
If the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity, fails, the General Assembly shall consider the matter immediately
This weekend participants from 8 countries — including Iraq — met in Madrid to discuss firsthand the plight of Iraqi academics
The US-led occupation continues to demolish humanitarian law with impunity in Iraq, breeding a culture of insecurity that destroys Iraqi lives
Occupying powers are responsible for the protection of religious shrines, including Al-Askari Mosque in Samarra