Tag: war

9/11: Ten years of lies, but the walls are coming down

9/11: Ten years of lies, but the walls are coming down

One day, and it may be soon, the truth about 11 September 2001 will start to appear. Cracks have already opened. We are coming into a time of truth

11 September 2011 More
Renewed call for UNGA to act for Gaza under Resolution 377

Renewed call for UNGA to act for Gaza under Resolution 377

The UN Security Council has failed to stop massive Israeli war crimes in Gaza; Israeli impunity must be ended by the world community

9 January 2009 More
Censure Israel now!

Censure Israel now!

The veto system in the UN Security Council is bankrupt — the Council is complicit with war crimes in failing again to maintain peace and security

1 August 2006 More
Emergency Action: Lebanon

Emergency Action: Lebanon

If the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity, fails, the General Assembly shall consider the matter immediately

23 July 2006 More
No, thank you

No, thank you

It is not easy to speak to an empire of violence with an open voice, but this is what Arundhati Roy does

19 February 2004 More
The cinema dream of war, or the artists’ violence

The cinema dream of war, or the artists’ violence

Many theories address the dematerialization of war between states. I want to address the dematerialization of life in society modeled on war

21 April 2002 More
Virtual war: An interview with James Der Derian

Virtual war: An interview with James Der Derian

Discussion between James Der Derian and Ian Douglas on power, virtuality, war and deterrence

24 August 1999 More
We negate and we must negate because something in us wants to live and affirm — Friedrich Nietzsche