Stop the death penalty in Iraq
Maliki’s election platform:— 900 Iraqi prisoners face summary execution
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Maliki’s election platform:— 900 Iraqi prisoners face summary execution
Plans for Al-Adhamiyah confirm that the US occupation and its puppets in Iraq can build nothing but open-air prisons
In Baghdad, a stillborn regional conference will convene in which the Iraqi people will again be absent
The Green Zone government and its militias are attacking civilians and cities across Iraq to halt the resistance
Full Narration of Facts: Legal case for Iraq on US genocide
Full (unannotated) Narration of Facts from the legal case filed in Spain 9 November 2009
WikiLeaks Iraq war logs: Legal action is unavoidable
To all victims of the US-UK invasion of Iraq and their families; To all Iraqis; To all Parties of the Genocide Convention
Fighting empire: An interview with Ramsey Clark
George W Bush is not a patriot, Ramsey Clark tells Ian Douglas
Inside the machine: An interview with Mordechai Vanunu
Damaged but not defeated, Vanunu continues to challenge Israel
“We are stronger than Israel”: An interview with Mohammed Aside
Ian Douglas speaks to Mohammed Aside of the Islamic Jihad