Tag: featured

Using Libya to abort the Arab Spring

Using Libya to abort the Arab Spring

The general Libyan youth uprising expresses the hollowness of Gaddafi’s regime,.to which he responds by force

16 April 2011 More
“Belief in the world”: The everyday politics of globalism

“Belief in the world”: The everyday politics of globalism

Against the brutal march of security we must formulate a way of being-in-the-world not based on fear but trust: a belief-in-the-world

14 June 2002 More


Poststructuralism in international political economy emerges on the forefront of three issues — culture, power and history.

1 June 2001 More
Globalization as governance: An archaeology of contemporary political reason

Globalization as governance: An archaeology of contemporary political reason

Power, discipline, subjectivity

27 September 1998 More
We negate and we must negate because something in us wants to live and affirm — Friedrich Nietzsche