Globalization as governance: An archaeology of contemporary political reason
Power, discipline, subjectivity
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Political theorist specialised in geopolitics and technologies of the modern state
Power, discipline, subjectivity
If every technological advance carries its own accident, what price will be paid for the global information revolution?
Speed as discipline finds its birth in the formative years of modernity, and as such is inextricably linked with it
Telepresence is the arrival of the universal prison – the terminal citizen
Dromocratic society cannot arrive absent disciplinary society
Not one sustained analysis of the discourse of globalization or its effects has been written until now
The power of globalization is not because it is real; it is because it beyond real, beyond reach — mythological
Fighting empire: An interview with Ramsey Clark
George W Bush is not a patriot, Ramsey Clark tells Ian Douglas
Inside the machine: An interview with Mordechai Vanunu
Damaged but not defeated, Vanunu continues to challenge Israel
“We are stronger than Israel”: An interview with Mohammed Aside
Ian Douglas speaks to Mohammed Aside of the Islamic Jihad